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Part 1: Ten Reasons Nature Is Good for Your Soul

Written By Nathan Miller

This blog is Part 1 in a four-part series.

“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread,
places to play in and pray in,
where nature may heal and
give strength to body and soul.”
John Muir, 1912

God made this for me. I was in the woods, on a hike with my family, when this dawned on me. Our God is this big and this beautiful! He sang His world into existence for my joy and His glory. It was like I saw Him there, and basked in the warmth of His delight, never more confident of His presence and love. On a hike.

I can only call it transcendent.

Denali National Park, Alaska, 2018

We’ve lost transcendence, haven’t we? Our culture has tried desperately to run from it, yet we can’t quite seem to shake our longing for it. We search for it everywhere, yet somehow settle for puny things. Our devices. Mediocre distractions. Not unlike the people in Ancient Babel with their great tower, we are obsessed with what we have made. Things we can control, that make us feel big and god-like. We stay indoors where we think it’s safe, contained, manageable. We’ve lost touch with creation. And the Creator.

But we’re tired of it. We want more, and we cannot help but glimpse the hints of glory shining through. We are at the beginning of a slow and steady revolt against this infatuation with what we have made, and perhaps a return to what God has made. People are returning to the outdoors. They’re setting their devices aside (even if momentarily). National Park visits are up, and more is being published about humankind’s genuine need for nature. We’re leaning in to the transcendent.

As a follower of Jesus and a pastor, I believe this renewed desire should be embraced, celebrated, and even encouraged by God’s people. Because nature is a spiritual discipline.

“Nature” Is a Spiritual Discipline?

Is nature really a spiritual discipline? It sounds like a contradiction. For nature is by definition material, physical, concrete, and scientific. And the “spiritual”—isn’t that all the other stuff? The immaterial, the metaphysical, and the mysterious?

Perhaps. But nature is absolutely part of my own daily sanctification and growth in Christlikeness. I am a better husband and father, a better friend and pastor, a better follower of Jesus and a better human through my love for and engagement with the natural world.

Spiritual disciplines are the habits that form us into Christlikeness. Traditionally, this includes things like prayer, Scripture reading, solitude, fasting, serving, spending time in community, and more. I am a big believer in the traditional disciplines, and I give them primacy in my life.

Yet, I want to add a few more: hiking, watching the sunrise, camping, smelling a tree or flower, getting my hands dirty in the yard, sitting on a lake or a day at the beach, watching the stars, learning a bit more science, watching wildlife, visiting the zoo or park, climbing a mountain, playing in a stream, going on a picnic, or staring into an epic landscape.

Alaska, 2018

These are things that enrich my soul and show me God like little else. I believe God is using nature to save my soul. Now before you assume I’m a heretic, let me explain why I feel this way. Why is nature so good for our souls?

I’m a nerd.

It’s only fair I let you in on a little secret. I am a nerd. For those of you who know me, or at least hear me preach on a regular basis, that’s no secret at all. You’ve known for years. For the rest of you, it’s only fair to tell you so you understand my bias.

Random Tree in the Middle of Town, Clearwater, Florida, 2017

A perfect day for me would be spent outside. I often have to stop to look at (and preferably touch, and occasionally smell) a tree. I’ve been known to even stop the car. My kids are used to me saying, hey, look at that tree! We recently visited the Redwoods, and it was life-changing. We literally had to stop the car every few yards and eventually got out and walked.

I just finished reading a book on The Hidden Life of Trees—how they “think” and “behave” and “communicate” and “raise their kids.” Seriously. If you ever can’t sleep, just call me and ask why I love trees so much. And don’t even get me started on mountains.

I also love the National Parks. The National Park Service is one of the best things our nation has ever done. I have stacks of books on them, I’ve watched documentaries, and I obsessively plan every family vacation around them. So far our family has visited 32 (of the 61). I could tell you which ones we’re going to visit in the next five years, and I could help you plan a trip to ones I’ve never even been to. My dream “retirement” would be working as a volunteer in any one of these magnificent places.

I spend my free time hiking year-round, alone or with my family (yes, there are great places to hike in Kansas and Missouri), playing or sitting outside. Winter does not stop us, and when it does happen to slow us down, I either plan the next trip, read books about adventurers or science, or watch nature shows with the kids (have you seen Planet Earth 2???).

Prairie Center, Olathe, Kansas, 2018

I can’t get enough of this stuff and I feel like you should know this about me if you’re going to keep reading. I recognize my bias, yet, no matter who you are—whether you’re a Christian or a skeptic, whether you love nature or have always been passive to it or afraid of it, or you just consider yourself a bit indoorsy—I am convinced that your soul and your life would be healthier and happier with a little more time spent outdoors.

Good for our souls

Why is nature so good for our souls? Well, today I’ve got ten reasons for you. Tomorrow it could be 40, but let’s start with ten. These reasons are all based first on Scripture and theology. I am still a pastor, after all, albeit a weird one. But I’ll also make my case using current scientific thinking, sociological research, and if all else fails, I’ll share a bit of personal experience.

As I mentioned, I could talk about this stuff for ages, which means I have way too much material to include it all here right now, so we’ve decided to release this post in sections. Congratulations, you’re almost done with Part 1!

Part 2 will center upon the first four reasons nature is so good for our souls, which are fairly broad, theological, and specifically about God’s interaction and love for His created world. Here’s a sneak peak:

  1. God made it good.
  2. God made us for a Garden.
  3. God is the original tree-hugger.
  4. God lived here.

In Part 3 we’ll go into the remaining six reasons, which specifically pertain to what nature does to us and for us. Again, a little teaser for what’s ahead:

  1. Creation puts me in my place.
  2. Creation gives me dignity.
  3. Creation reminds me who God is.
  4. Creation is a good teacher.
  5. Creation groans for good news.
  6. New Creation is our home.

Finally, in Part 4, I’ll conclude with some super practical tips to help you get started in getting more nature into your life today. This will include some local favorites, as well as some helpful (and/or fun) resources.

Until Part 2, what are you waiting for? Go outside!

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  1. Mary M. Pruitt

    Thank you, Nathan, for your transparency and for your timely challenge to step outside our cars, our houses, and our comfort zones. The natural world, given to us for our enjoyment, does reflect God’s glory just our our innate desire to create and add to His world reflects His nature. And whereas we do not speak our creations into existence, we do conceive, imagine, engineer, build, sing, sketch, perform, and sometimes write them into being. Too often we want them to bring glory to ourselves. That is our nature. Sometimes they are just offerings.

    • Nathan Miller

      Great thoughts, Mary! In many ways, that’s the theme of this upcoming week’s Sunday message. Thanks.

  2. mary pruitt

    An Offering
    The Moon was out and hung heavy in the sky barely clearing the horizon. Full and magnified, it shone sienna. By all rights, by all physics, the Moon should’ve appeared white or near white; it should’ve reflected whatever color the Sun with its full spectrum sent its way.

    Children’s songs and nursery poems had long perpetuated the myth that the Sun went to bed every night. It was, however, the Sun, the celestial ruler of the day that gave the Moon its power in the night sky. It was a stubborn love, an unparalleled devotion that caused the Sun to reach out to Earth and its people regardless of their beliefs or behavior. But tonight this lunar nightlight was missing something. It was missing its blue, indigo, and violet. Those colors, the ones with the shorter wavelengths, had been absorbed by the atmosphere.

    Humans were like that. Humans had their own spectrum. From saint to sinner, martyr to narcissist, all the colors of humanity and inhumanity burned within the heart of every man and woman. And yet only certain colors made their way to the surface; only certain ones were seen by others. The rest were either held back by the density of the will or absorbed by conscience. For unlike the Moon that had no say in the matter and cared not for the opinions of others, humans lived out their entire lives with one purpose in mind: to be thought of as better than they really were if only by themselves.

  3. Paul Johnson

    Nathan, Great article–I completely agree with you! The older I get, the more amazed I am at the magnificence of nature and the incredible world God created. Thanks for writing this (and including the pictures; the one with the kids is wonderful!). I’m looking forward to the next I stallment

    • Nathan Miller

      Thanks for the encouragement, Paul. Yes, the pics really are the best part. 🙂 More coming…

  4. Becky Miller

    Nathan, I so enjoyed this article. I am in Arizona where I am in awe of the desert and mountains and I love trees also. I agree we all need more outdoor time. Thank you for this series and I can’t wait for parts 2, 3 and 4!!!!!

    • Nathan Miller

      Becky, so great to hear from you. Arizona is one of our favorite places–we often find ourselves in the Scottsdale area. It’s a different kind of beauty but it sure is beautiful.

  5. A.R.

    God the maker of heaven and earth, put everything for our good pleasure he made everything I think you for your story it kind of intrigue me, because I had to leave that once that was a promised, and it was is broken, but I still believe that God can make away when there seems to be no other way to put those things in my heart for now I cannot see them very good because I’m partially blind. I used to drive around me and my daughter would go all over gift places and see things and experience things but now I see it in a different way that God’s love has showed me , I just want to thank you again for your story above all. Keep God first. Thank you.


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